Friday 23 January 2015


He watched her with heightened suspicion 
As she made her way towards him
She was dressed like them, the killers
As she reached for something in her handbag
He gripped the hilt of his dagger
Her hand emerged, clutching an umbrella

She walked past him
As he struggled to hide the knife
He heard the voices again
'Drink petrol now, and become special'
In the backyard, he found a full gallon
And drank and drank

He felt his chest burning
The voices were laughing now
And singing in another language
He tried to decode the lyrics
But his head was spinning
He coughed, it was bloody

Another set of voices awoke him
A small, laughing crowd
A boy was shouting,'Ikonne drank fuel o!'
He stood up and charged at them, gallon in hand
They fled like mortified rabbits
He was indeed special

The voices issued another command
'You need to be cleansed'
Removing the remainder of his clothes
His naked frame trekked the tarred road
Under the heat of the midday sun
In search of a river

©Kelvin Alaneme, 2015.

Wednesday 21 January 2015


He came bearing gifts
Spinning rhetorics with his plastic smile
I stood in the midday sun
Apathy and fatigue etched in my face
The man in white agbada was talking 
His litany of promises made me sick

A group were holding up his posters, chanting support
I examined them in amusement
Frail-looking old women
Young, jobless men
Hoarse voices and rumbling stomachs
My face fell as I saw Okoro

The shame and the memories came flooding in
Of feeling bloated and having strange cravings
Of innumerable ultrasound scans saying the same thing
Of countless beatings from my step-mother and name-calling
Of the race from the abortionist's table
Of seven months of loneliness and eventual loss

I looked at the man and then at Okoro
'Evil people!' I stopped short of screaming
I was a naive damsel, eyes filled with laughter
Okoro showered me with gifts and attention
He said I was his angel and it sounded funny
After months of wooing, I went to his house

Once inside, he bolted the door
I sat a safe distance from him
After drinking the juice he served me, I felt woozy
I woke up on his bed, feeling sore
I looked for something, anything, to cover my nakedness
There was blood on the sheets

©Kelvin Alaneme, 2015.

Wednesday 14 January 2015


The night never ends
I sat, hands folded in my watery world
Accompanied by darkness 
My belly tethered to the mound of flesh
Housing my delicate frame

A jolt roused me from my siesta
My house is on the move
I bounce up and down in my watery cushion
Turning has become difficult lately
I felt lazy and strangely big

I heard a familiar voice and smiled
Housekeeper's hands radiated warmth
Sending tingles down my spine
Her voice became clearer: a scream
I sensed commotion

My river grew smaller and smaller
I heard a cacophony of voices, speaking gibberish
What is happening? A war?
A strong force compressed me
Pushing me downwards, suffocating me

The compression and pushing continued
Why am I being so rough-handled?
Time passed, the voices grew louder
I could feel my strength ebbing away
My bowel let loose some hot excreta

A flurry of movement ensued
I felt weak and could hardly move my limbs
A tear appeared at the North end of my house
Suddenly, my house was in ruins
Something sharp grazed my forehead

A warm, thick liquid entered my orifices
I felt two strong arms pull my head
Face wiped, I opened my eyes to a strange sight
The slaps on my back left me heartbroken
I cried

©Kelvin Alaneme,2015.

Tuesday 13 January 2015


Your lips on mine
Like juice from fresh grapes
Red, succulent and full of adventure
Your tongue navigate my oral castle
Searching for hidden treasures

Your eyes are closed
The lashes moist with the morning dew
You open them
Your gaze penetrating my soul
A mixture of sorrow and fleeting joy

Your body is smooth, soft
Melting into mine
Our hands journey from the north to the south
Stopping at every gate
Every touch sending reverberations

Your love is tender
Slow, full, whole-hearted
A river bursting its banks
It overflows, surges forth
Cleansing and refreshing

Your voice is melody
Rising crescendo in an unending symphony
You call my name as I whisper in your ears
The winds and the rustling leaves
Laughing in agreement

Your grip is firm
Time stops, its two arms pinned down
The past fades into the future
Our quaking bodies make history
As we hold the moment

©Kelvin Alaneme, 2015.

Monday 12 January 2015


We belonged to a country
Took pride in the green and white flag
In our thousands
We birthed the new year
Severing its umblical cord 
From the passing one

We struggled to forget the past
The air was thick with bad news
Our ears were deafened by bombs
And crackles of gunfire from surrounding villages
'The Nigerian Army is winning the war,' we were told
We believed until that midnight

Slashed throats and broken skulls
Human bowels lying on the bloodied street
They stepped on the mangled limbs
As they brought hell alive
We heard the machine gun sing
And watched the blade sever our spirits
From our disfigured bodies

Our virgin city stood defiled
Desolate with blood stained walls
Rotting flesh everywhere
Pot-bellied vultures perching and chewing
Dried blood on the pavement
The dense air, a curtain of darkness

Dead dreams and burnt faith
Our new year plans have been soaked in blood
The lucky ones have fled to Chad
The ill-fated ones still litter the streets
Just days before the city was filled with laughter
Now? Wandering shadows, birds, rodents
And eerie silence

©Kelvin Alaneme, 2015.


You want to live forever
After the stars have lost their brightness
And the sun turned into a dull flat plate
You want to watch the moon's light go out
And the rivers become parched lands

You want to be remembered
Like the Gaza pyramids
Deeds standing tall
Offsprings surrounding you
Regaling in tales of time past

But today is a battle
Broken bones and torn flesh
An insipid mind in aching distress
Crying for more
Thirsting to be better
Fists pounding on an impregnable wall

The darkness approaches
Your present deeds haunt you
How do you erase
This terrible stain called your past
And walk into a glorious
Unsoiled morning?

You breathe; it is shallow
Sadness engulf you
You search and search for meaning
In an empty universe
You hear the taunts
And the ringing echoes

Still, you want to live forever
And read your suicide note
To generations unborn
The books of the future will tell
How you found meaning
And made something
Out of nothing

©Kelvin Alaneme, 2015.