Monday, 12 January 2015


We belonged to a country
Took pride in the green and white flag
In our thousands
We birthed the new year
Severing its umblical cord 
From the passing one

We struggled to forget the past
The air was thick with bad news
Our ears were deafened by bombs
And crackles of gunfire from surrounding villages
'The Nigerian Army is winning the war,' we were told
We believed until that midnight

Slashed throats and broken skulls
Human bowels lying on the bloodied street
They stepped on the mangled limbs
As they brought hell alive
We heard the machine gun sing
And watched the blade sever our spirits
From our disfigured bodies

Our virgin city stood defiled
Desolate with blood stained walls
Rotting flesh everywhere
Pot-bellied vultures perching and chewing
Dried blood on the pavement
The dense air, a curtain of darkness

Dead dreams and burnt faith
Our new year plans have been soaked in blood
The lucky ones have fled to Chad
The ill-fated ones still litter the streets
Just days before the city was filled with laughter
Now? Wandering shadows, birds, rodents
And eerie silence

©Kelvin Alaneme, 2015.

1 comment:

Nwamaka Onyekachi said...

This poem creates a mixed feeling of emotions for me. Pain, fear, despair etc. Is there still hope? Will the light shine again? Can the dreams come alive?

I cry for my country!