Your lips on mine
Like juice from fresh grapes
Red, succulent and full of adventure
Your tongue navigate my oral castle
Searching for hidden treasures
Your eyes are closed
The lashes moist with the morning dew
You open them
Your gaze penetrating my soul
A mixture of sorrow and fleeting joy
Your body is smooth, soft
Melting into mine
Our hands journey from the north to the south
Stopping at every gate
Every touch sending reverberations
Your love is tender
Slow, full, whole-hearted
A river bursting its banks
It overflows, surges forth
Cleansing and refreshing
Your voice is melody
Rising crescendo in an unending symphony
You call my name as I whisper in your ears
The winds and the rustling leaves
Laughing in agreement
Your grip is firm
Time stops, its two arms pinned down
The past fades into the future
Our quaking bodies make history
As we hold the moment
©Kelvin Alaneme, 2015.
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